Food Pantry
Located in the Twin Churches in Holland Patent, NY
The Food Pantry is open for regular hours.
We will meet you at your vehicle and bring your food out to you.
Bring address verification for anyone 18+ in the home
Saturday, Feb 1st, 9-1
Wednesday,*APPOINTMENTS ONLY * Feb 5th, 3-6pm
Saturday, Feb 8th, 9-1
Saturday, Feb 15th 9-11:00 am*PLEASE NOTE NEW HOURS*
Thursday, Feb 27th 10-12:00pm
March 2025
Saturday, Mar 1st, 9-1
Wednesday,*APPOINTMENTS ONLY * Mar 5th, 3-6pm
Saturday, Mar 8th, 9-1
Saturday, Mar 15th, 9-11:00 am *PLEASE NOTE NEW HOURS*
Thursday, Jan 23rd, 10-12:00 pm
First 3 Saturdays of the month
First Wednesday of the month (appointments only)
Fourth Thursday of the month
***Everyone 18+ in the household must have address verification.***
The Foothills Food Pantry is here to help families and individuals in need. Here you will be met by a caring intake worker who will interview you to find out if you meet the geographical location requirements for your family. At this time we can also offer you outreach services to other agencies that could help, such as food stamps and heating assistance. You may select groceries from a shopping list that is the equivalent of 3 meals per day for five days for each family member once a month. The Foothills Food Pantry is a place where one who is facing difficult circumstances is treated with respect and given assistance in a private and dignified manner.
Please see our website or Facebook page for the most current hours.
*Everyone 18+ in the household must have address verification.*
2024 Qualifications:
Local residents of Holland Patent & Remsen School districts and outlying areas:
Household Size Annual Income
1 $33,885
2 $45,990
3 $58,095
4 $70,200
5 $82,305
6 $94,410
each additional $12,105
We are always looking for volunteers!
If you, or someone you know, has a few hours a month to volunteer,
please call our office at 315-865-5854 for information.
Information and Referral Numbers:
2-1-1: 315-624-9211, 1-877-406-9211. This agency can put you in contact with many other agencies free services in time of need.
YWCA 24 Hour Hot Line: 315-797-7740 Confidential counseling for domestic violence, rape, and abuse.
Foothills Rural Community Ministry: 315-865-5854 General referrals for various services. Leave your name and phone number.
Medicaid and Adult & Children’ Insurance: Oneida County 315-703-0063
Food Stamps: call Chris 315-624-9930 x2378
WIC: Rome-315-356-4755 or Utica-315-798-5066 (WIC is no longer at Foothills)