Volunteer Opportunities
At this time, Volunteers are needed to help carry groceries up the stairs to clients vehicles.
Volunteers are needed in all our programs:
Our greatest need: Saturday volunteers to help in the Thrift Shop - the first 3 Saturdays, the first Wednesday, and the 4th Thursday of each month. Volunteers are scheduled for one 2 or 4-hour shift each month.
Carry groceries from the Food Pantry up the stairs and out to their cars - the first 3 Saturdays 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, first Wednesday 3:30-5:30 pm, and the 4th Thursday, any time between 9:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. Call to be placed on the volunteer schedule 865-5854.
Organize a Food Drive in your organization, neighborhood, church, family...
Help distribute food at the Food Pantry one day each month - the first 3 Saturdays and the fourth Thursday from 8:30-11:00 or 11-1:30. Call to be placed on the volunteer schedule 315-865-5854.
Help sort and distribute Food $ense groceries - usually the 3rd Friday and Saturday of each month, check dates.
Bake desserts for the Coffee House - see schedule .
Help collect, shelve or distribute pet food on pantry days.
Help set up tables and chairs for the coffeehouse - see schedule .
Help collect and sort food, clothing, and gifts for the Christmas baskets
Help collect, sort, and deliver school supplies - late August/early September.
Help with mailings for our annual newsletters.
Purchase items from the Thrift Shop - all proceeds go to support FRCM.
Attend a concert at the Park Coffee House - all profit goes to support FRCM.
To volunteer please email frcmin@gmail.com or leave a message at 315-865-5854.
Most of our programs take place in the Twin Churches in Holland Patent, NY.
Donations are always needed:
Gently used clothing for children and adults and small household items
Food for the pantry (or a monetary donation, which goes further when we purchase from the Food Bank of Central New York)
School supplies, collected all year long and distributed in July and August
Sign up to buy a gift for a specific needy child at Christmas through your church or organization or by calling us at 315-865-5854
Give surplus produce from your garden to the pantry
Organize a "Souperbowl Sunday" collection or luncheon at your church or organization: Some serve soup, some just pass the bowl, some take a collection in a soup pot.